Articles chronological order

Do Space and Time have an Archetypal Design?
The physicist Wolfgang Pauli (1900-58), one of the founder of
quantum mechanics, was highly fascinated of Jungs archetypes. He
conceived them as the underlying principles of the physical world. He
even suggested a research program in order to explore the physical
meaning of these archetypes. But this research program never became
This article gives an example how this research program could look
like. It refers to a structure consisting of different circles and
squares that are put together in a specific way; a structure, which is
traditionally called a MANDALA. By making Einsteins special theory of
relativity geometrically compatible with a transcendent background this
archetypal structure surprisingly came up. As its speed limit is given
by the speed of infinity, it includes the possibility to overcome
special relativity theory (SRT).
Natural Philosophy Alliance, USA 2007, 23 pages.
About an Anomaly that Breaks Relativity
The first step in scientific revolution or paradigm shift is
the awareness of the existence of an anomaly. That means to see clearly
that a specific fact cannot be explained by a universally accepted
Although relativity - one of the most driving paradigms of contemporary
physics - is working efficiently in the most cases but there is one
fact, which cannot be explained by it. This fact concerns a specific
coincidence. Physicists have observed that the local inertial compass
coincides with the frame of the most distant galax-ies and quasars
within the present measurement accuracy of 2.5 x 10^-4
In modern physics Machs Principle is the hypothesis most favoured to
explain this fact. It maintains that the local inertial compass, f.e.
Foucaults pendulum, is determined by all the masses in the Universe in
such a way that the measured coincidence is given. As Machs Principle
implies that not only gravity but all physics shall be formulated
without any reference to an all-pervasive background like an ether, it
is physically considered as the climax of relativity. But Machs
Principle could never be formulated in a precise way. The
above-mentioned coincidence is still unexplained.
But it is not yet epistemologically recognized as an anomaly that
breaks the relativistic paradigm. In this paper an argument is
presented that could change the epistemological status of this fact
tremendously. Actually this fact can be explained as the
signature of an omnipresent and invisible entity.
Natural Philosophy Alliance, USA 2008, 39 Pages
Taming of the One
A new approach towards a Modern Metaphysics is presented. It shows
which physical implications might be connected with the condition of
An answer: "Dear Mr. Smith,
...until now no one has found a way to conduct metaphysics in such a
scientific fashion. As far as the One, that is, the assumption of a
transcendent foundation of the Universe, is concerned, the belief in
the guise of religion is still the dominant force: It decisively
determines how we think about this One. This force is profoundly
irrational. In its fundamentalistic form it is even highly dangerous.
If we leave the interpretation of the One faith, then we leave it
irrational forces.
In the past we had to accept this dominant role of faith because no one
knew how to conduct metaphysics in a scientific fashion. But this task
can as conceived by me be done. The key to it is precisely the property
of transcendence, which previously represented an insurmountable
barrier of knowledge. This barrier can actually be overcome, because
transcendence is with respect to the physical universe such a
restrictive condition that the possibilities of how the universe might
look like, are so far limited that only one structure is likely."
Foundational Questions Institute/USA; What's Ultimately Possible in Physics? Essay Contest 2009
On the Dual Parametrization of c
The unification of relativity and quantum mechanics is the main problem
of modern physics. It is still unsolved. The root of this problem could
perhaps be the relativistic postulate of the invariance of the speed of
light. In countless experiments it was found that the speed of light
does not depend neither on the velocity of the light source c(1) nor on
the velocity of the observer c(2), but in special relativity this dual
constancy of light c(1) & c(2) is not clearly understood. In
Einstein's theory these two parameters c(1) and c(2) are simply
supposed as two fundamental principles of nature.
In this paper it is shown how this dual constancy of light c(1)
& c(2) could be considered as an expression of the quantum
mechanical wave-particle-dualism. This quantum-mechanical
interpretation implies not only a dual parametrization of c, but the
existence of a sort of ether (probably the vacuum) as well. As the
result of the dual parametrization of c an etherdrift is predicted,
that is significantly smaller than all the values which were expected
in previous times. Even if the velocity of Earth of approx. 390 km/s
with respect to the cosmic microwave background is taken, the
observable ether drift would only be of D = 0.0003 km/s.
Natural Philosophy Alliance/USA 2010;13 pages (in: Proceedings)
The Hidden Face of c
Since the Kennedy-Thorndike experiment in 1932 led to a Null result as
the historical Michelson-Morley experiment did in 1887 it was almost
collectively believed, that special relativity was proven right again.
But in truth a completely new face of c was discovered, which Einsteins
theory had not been taken into account.
Natural Philosophy Alliance/USA 2011; 5 Pages (in: Proceedings)
Can the Universe Be Completely Digitized?
The well-known physicist John Archibald Wheeler coined the phrase: It
from bit. It symbolizes the idea that our physical universe
is information-theoretic in origin. According to this idea our universe
can be completely digitized. Proponents of digital physics are thus
convinced that the very heart of our universe is of discrete nature. In
this paper an argument is presented, which shows that our universe is
fundamentally of analogous nature
Foundational Questions Institute/USAIs Reality Digital or Analog? Essay Contest 2010