
...in chronological order

Is Metaphysics the New Frontier of the 21st Century Physics?

At different times in history metaphysics has been attacked as being futile and overly vague. Actually classical metaphysics was unable to afford us any serious knowledge of its research object, that is, of an ultimate transcendent foundation of the universe.
Until today we don't have any objective knowledge about this foundation. We are still looking for it in vain. In the lecture Is Metaphysics the New Frontier of 21st century physics? I like to show how this objective knowledge can be gained. This knowledge will not only change our traditional picture of GOD, it has also far-reaching consequences for our cosmological view of the universe. It shall be explained how the transcendent field of reality (i.e. the ONE) could be identified as the cause of the fine-tuned parameter of the critical density (Omega = 1). By reducing this fine-tuned physical parameter to a supernatural cause a modern metaphysics can make important contributions to the present debate of intelligent design.

Natural Philosophy Alliance/USA; August 14, 2010

Introduction into the Physics of Mandala

The physicist Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958) was one of the pioneers of quantum physics. In 1945 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his decisive contribution through his discovery of a new law of Nature, the exclusion principle, underpinning the structure of matter and the whole of chemistry. Less well known is the fact that Pauli spent a lot of time in the study of archetypal patterns. Pauli conceived them as underlying principles of the physical world. He even suggested a research program in order to explore their physical meaning.This program never became reality.
In this lecture it shall be shown how the archetypal structure of a Mandala can be "read" in a physically meaningful way. According to this reading the structure of the Mandala represents a specific "space-time-picture". If this Mandala-Reading is taken seriously then the fundamental constant of c is actually given twice -- in two different geometrical modes. It is asserted that the discovery of this dual parametrization of c is the key in order to overcome Einstein's special theory of relativity.
As Einstein wanted to understand the weird character of the constancy of light he tried to decipher this archetypal blueprint of the Universe -- without knowing that conscioulsy. The physics of the Mandala helps to comprehend what he did as he formulated his theory and why his theory was so overwhelmingly successful.

Natural Philosophy Alliance/USA 2008; January 15, 2011